25 September 2011

Pembelajaran Matematika Berbantuan Kalkulator

Studi Kasus Penggunaan Kalkulator Texas Instrument TI
89 pada PBM Matematika di SMK MUHAMMADIYAH
Oleh : 
Drs. Marsigit   MA 
(Dosen pada Jurusan Pendidikan Matematika, FMIPA, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta)
Retno Siswanto SPd
(Guru Matematika pada SMK Muhammadiyah IV Yogyakarta)
Summary by Aris Kartikasari (09313244005)

learning process is the process of communication between teachers and students with certain conditions would be more effective with real experience with the use of five senses. While the calculator can be viewed as a tool in learning.
The calculator according to the E-dictionary (Wasito; 1996:83-94) is a special tool to carry out the preparation of arithmetic with some datas and instructions are included in calculator. Most of these tools require the intervention arms, which can be used to implement calculation logic and digits. Benefits that can be explored from the use of calculators in Mathematics Learning Strategies book Contemporary (2001: 241-244) are: a) help in understanding mathematical concepts, b) help strengthen the skills computation, c) develop high-level thinking skills, d) improve problem solving skills, and e) make the solution problem more realistic. Merriweather and Thrap (1999) stated that the use of graphing calculators in class can cause a student to be affected and involved in mathematics, and can solve math problems which these issues are not resolved at that time. Hambre and Desert in their research entitled Effect of held-held Calculators in pre- college mathematics education (1986) concluded that: a) calculator should be used in any learning of mathematics, b) the computer is helpful in improving problem-solving skills, especially for students with low and high ability.
Mr. Marsigit take a research about using calculators in SMK Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, and get the result:
1.     Calculators as a tool
Stages use calculators as a learning tool IV mathematics at SMK Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, can be done as follows:
The first stage is the stage of understanding of the significance calculator graph. The essence of the understanding process is explained in basic and detail about the graphing calculator.
The second stage is the stage of understanding the theory and use of calculators graphs in equations and inequalities to solve problems. process
The second is focused on how students understand the command, symbolic manipulation, and graphs to solve problems and equations inequalities with graphing calculator.
The third stage, namely stage of entering data about the calcuator graph. The process of entering data into the calculator about the process move the language into the language of mathematics in terms of graphing calculators.
The fourth stage is the stage interpretation of the graphing calculator screen and draw conclusions.
Of the five above process, can mean that students will experienced the process in a row. This means that the process is an inductive process.
2.    Using graphing calculator
From research conducted, noting there are some aspects use the graphing calculator in learning mathematics as follows:
·         Graphing calculator is useful to determine and match graphic images
·         Graphing calculator is useful to determine and match the answer set
·         Graphing calculator to give you real experience of graphic images.
·   Settlement about equations and inequalities can be use the command, symbolic manipulation and graphics.
·   Graphing calculator is useful to provide answers previously calculated without a calculator and accelerate the completion of mathematics matter.
·         The constraints experienced by students in using the calculator
·   graph is a mathematical paraphrase sentences into the languages calculator and disclose any appearance of the calculator screen to in mathematical sentences
·         With the graphing calculator in the learning process math lessons and math becomes more attractive math problem solving easier.
·   If using of graphing calculators with no offset capabilities for understand the operating procedures and mathematical thinking, it can be cause high levels of dependence, loss their confidence, and lazy thinking.

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