17 Desember 2011

Requirement to be International Level of Schooling
By: Aris Kartikasari

Nowdays, many school try to change their status to be International level of shool. They do the best to get that status from educational department. 
But, it is not easy problem to be international level of school. There are many requirement to be international level.

1. Accreditation.
The accreditation of the school at least A from BAN (National Accreditation Department) and get the addition accreditation from BAS (School Accreditation department) from one of the state OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) member or another advance state that has best level in educational field. Maybe for some schools it is the difficult case, even to get the accreditation A from BAN. So, that school should work hardly to get the A accreditation first.

2. The curriculum
Applying KTSP and SKS. Administration system of education should based in Information and communication technology where every students can access their transcript
Apptopriate with content standard. The content of subject matter should be equal or higher from the superior school of the advance state or the OECD member state.
Appropriate SKL. Applying the SKL of higher school level in SKL.

3. Teaching-Learning Process
Appropriate The Standard of Process. The learning process all of the subject matters should be a model for another school in developing the characters, moral, attitude, leadership, enterpreneurship and another advance behavior.
Enriched by learning process model from the school of state OECD member.
Applying learning based ICT in all subject matters.
Learning process using English lenguage for all sciences and mathematics subjects. 

4. Assessment
Appropriate the assessment standard. Enriched by assessment models from the school in the state of OECD member or from the state that has excelllent level in education field.

5. Educator
Appropriate educator standard. Teachers able to facilitate learning based ICT.
Teachers in science, mathematics and focational subjects able to teach by english.
At least 10% of teachers well educated S2/S3 in high education that have A in accreditation for elementary school.
At least 20% of teachers well educated S2/S3 in high education that have A in accreditation for Junior High School.
At least 300% of teachers well educated S2/S3 in high education that have A in accreditation for Senior High School.

6. Educational Expert
Appropriate the standard of educationa expert. The head master get education at least S2 in high education that have A in accreditation and have appropriate head master training from head master training department that accupied by the government.
The head master able active english.
The head master have international vision, able to build the international network, have managing competency, have leadership spirit, and strong enterpreneurship.

7. Features and infrastructures
Appropriate features and infrastructures standard. Every classrooms complete by tthe features based IT.
The library completely by digital devices that give access to the learning resources based ICT in the world.

8. Management
Appropriate management standard. Clucthed the sertificate of ISO 9001 2000 version or after and ISO 14000.
Multiculture school.
Make rellationship “sister school” with international level of school in foreign country.
Free from Drugs and ciggarets.
Applying the same gender in all aspects of school managements.
Clucthed the medals in international level in science, mathematics, technology, art and sport competition.

9. Financial
Appropriate the financial standard. Applying the efficiency financial models to achieve some target addition key indicators.

The candidate of international level of schooling (RSBI) should make the serious effort to increase their capability refer to national educatin standard (SNP) which explain in IKKM through develop IKKT.

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