Before teachers come to the class,
they have to make some teaching materials, at least there are three teaching
materials to prepared by teaching:
Developing the lesson
lesson plan is a plan for learning. As is true in most activities, the quality
of planning affects the quality of results. Successful executives and
professional people know that the price of excellence is careful preparation. A
lawyer spends hours planning a case before appearing in court. A minister does
not ad-lib a sermon but plans days or weeks in advance. In anticipation of the
big game, the coach spends hours planning the plays and watching the team
execute them.
ensure the greatest probability of learning, we must carefully select and
arrange activities that will produce the desired learning outcomes in our
students. Only through careful planning
can we be certain that we include all necessary information and have our lesson
plan properly organized to achieve the lesson objective. The complete cycle of
lesson planning includes eight steps:
Determine the objective
Research the topic as defined by the objective
Select the appropriate instructional method
Identify a usable lesson planning format
Decide how to organize the lesson
Choose appropriate support material
Prepare the beginning and ending of the lesson
Prepare a final outline.
Developing students
that can be completed by a student independently force the student to interact
with the concepts. When students work independently or in small groups, this
also frees the instructor to concentrate on working with individual students on
problem areas. Observing students doing worksheet activities independently
helps a teacher pinpoint which concepts are difficult for any one student.
Worksheets are also handy for bringing students struggling with a concept
closer to the mean understanding of the classroom, or for giving above-average
students extra concepts to absorb.
gained by the use of worksheets in the learning process is as follows.
Enabling learners in
the learning process.
Assist learners in
developing the concept.
Train learners in the
process of finding and developing skills.
For guidance of
teachers and learners in carrying out the learning process.
Help learners acquire a
record of material learned through the learning activities.
Helping learners to add
information about the concepts learned through the learning activities systematically.
(Suyitno, 1997:40).
Developing learning
The Topic. After we have written or been
provided with an instructional objective, we are ready to decide on the main
points of the lesson and gather materials about the lesson topic. Normally we do not collect a mass of research
materials and then develop an objective to match the findings. Not only is this latter approach inefficient,
but it is also likely to be ineffective.
It may well ignore the specific needs of the students and the Air
Force. The objective should determine
the research that needs to be done. On
the other hand, research may justify a decision to modify an objective or
rearrange main points for greater accuracy or clarity.
and appropriateness are two important criteria for selecting relevant
material. To be appropriate, information
should relate to the lesson objective and have a high possibility for student
retention. To be useful, it should aid
both the instructor and the students in the teaching-learning process. If the instructor selects material solely on
the basis of its interest value, a lesson may be filled with interesting
information of little learning value to the student. On the other hand, dry, uninteresting facts
even though they are very important-may also defeat the instructor's
purpose. Students are more likely to
grasp and retain facts and concepts that are enriched with interesting support
material and arranged in a way that enhances learning.
the objective clearly in mind, we are now ready to gather actual material or do
research on the subject. The sources for
this material are our own experiences, the experience of others which we gain
through conversation and interviews, and written or observed material. Instructors concerned with teaching a good
lesson will often draw from all of these sources.
Self. The first step in researching a lesson topic
is to see what we ourselves know about the subject. Our personal knowledge may
suggest a tentative organization, but more important, it will point up gaps in
our knowledge where we need further research.
The second step in the research process
is to draw on the experience of others. People who are interested in the topic
may provide ideas during the course of conversation. The most fruitful source
is the expert who may help us clarify our thinking, provide facts and
testimony, and suggest sources for further research.
personal experience, conversation, and interviews provide valuable content for
lessons, we must usually do further research elsewhere. If we have properly narrowed our subject and
kept the purpose in mind, our research task will be easier.
Library. Modern libraries provide us with an abundance
of sources: books, newspapers, popular magazines, scholarly journals,
abstracts, subject files, and microfilms. Quantity is no problem; quality is
more difficult. We must always concern ourselves with the accuracy and
relevance of the material we select.
Using an article from 1950 to discuss atomic physics today might well
lead to inaccurate, irrelevant conclusions.
Meanwhile, after teachers come to
the class, so it will be appear the next ideas,:
Developing and
implementing apperception
comes from the word "Apperception" means integrating and assimilating
an observation that has been owned by the experience. Or awareness of a person
to associate with old impressions that have been coupled with the processing
that has become a widespread impression. The impression of the old material is
called apperception.
is a sign of vibrations received by an individual over a particular object.
Objects can be an object, natural or social phenomena, and the actions
performed by a person. Apperception or vibrations are received through the five
senses that we have. Apperception admissions process is what we call
means the appreciation of all things is the basis to accept new ideas. In
general, the function of apperception in learning activities is to bring their
world into our world. That is, to relate what is already known or in naturally
with what will be learned.
in teaching is the dial-in to old school with new learning, as a springboard
extent to which students mengusai old lesson so easily absorb the new lessons.
While we will teach a concept of what the students, teachers should understand
that every student has the experience, attitudes and habits are different, in
order to explore and connect the experiences, attitudes and habits of students
to the concepts that we teach will needs be, we associate with apperception.
can be formed by four pillars. The first
is the alpha zone. Once face to face with students, begin to initial
conditions pleasant. Readiness to enter the facts and information. Under these
circumstances, the movement of dendrite brain is harmonious.
Second pillar is warmer.
Warm memories of that is past. If the meeting was not the first, warmer
dimaksukan as forming the knowledge of constructivism, which is building a new
meaning based on the knowledge students already owned. Examples of teachers to
recall with an open question. "How do you think of bamboo trees and
coconut trees, both of which are plants that mostly found in Indonesia. What
are its usefulness? "
The third pillar is the
pre teach. It is often forgotten by the Master.
No wonder the disheveled condition of the class and students are not
conditioned. Pre teach is to give the information manually, how the rules
apply. Especially in science subjects or experiments using tools, pre teach
absolutely necessary, so that no injury or procedural errors.
The fourth pillar is
the scene setting. This condition is closest to the
strategy. Often referred to as a hook or hooks into the core subjects. Example:
ask students to compare the object choice of his bag, and lined up according to
weight of the object, is scene setting towards mathematics 'light weight'.
Developing and
implementing various method teaching
method is an activity that teachers do to create a system environment that
enables the learning process for students. In teaching, teachers not only
explain and convey a number of subject matter to students, but teachers should
provide the stimulation and encourage to the students learning process occur.
of the teaching methods is contructivism learning. Traditionally, engineering
programs have given individual homework assignments and individual exams. Professional engineering practice, however, is
rarely an individual effort. Most professional engineers work on
interdisciplinary teams that require effective interpersonal communication
skills. The resulting engineering product is a team effort in which the
individual engineers involve others in the solution of their individual project
components. The traditional approach to
engineering education largely neglects educating students in working on such
teams, except perhaps in senio capstone design courses. To aid students in
developing interpersonal communication skills, many engineering programs are
implementing a variety of methods that give students valuable experience in
working with others in a technical setting.
Developing and
implementing various teaching aids
the case of teaching aids for professional education, information is also in
the foreground. With the aid of the medium, the students is to be given a new information
and thus be better to understand the subject matter of teaching. Teaching aids
is a tool used by teachers, facilitators, or tutors to help their learners
improve their skill and knowledge.
aim of teaching aids is to motivate the students in such a way that the
students applies their full attention to
Developing and
implementing various interactions
interaction will be able to facilitate the development of students. To develop
the students interactions, there are some ways:
To develop the students
interaction in whole class, teachers should give some problems to the students
in class, then the teachers give a chance to students to answer the problems
Other way is teacher
dividing the class into small group, and then the students discuus the problem
in groups. Teachers monitoring the students and give some clue about the answer
And the last is to
interact the students individual, teachers observe each atudents and give
attention to the students with low ability
Developing and
implementing small group discussion
discussion could be used for any objective which involves justifying an opinion
from defining what is a living organism to whether we should label genetically
modified organisms. Note that for the first, students are likely to have
sufficient background knowledge to discuss the answer. For the second, it was had
better ensure the students have learned the different kinds of genetically modified
organisms, otherwise teacher will have the worst of “pooling of ignorance”.
if students have little formal background in a topic, a discussion can be a
good start for a unit. This is because the teacher will learn whether students
have opinions, and what those opinions are. If the teacher is teaching
consistent with constructivist learning theory, you need to know what students
are thinking before teacher begin the unit, so that they know where they need
to target your teaching.
a discussion from a point of ignorance can get students interested in the topic.
They will have expressed their opinion on the topic, and will more actively
search for information to support their opinion. Thus, a discussion can be a
good motivator at the beginning of a unit.
reason for having students get involved in a discussion is that students
remember information that came out in a discussion. They are much more likely
to remember than if they watched a video of “informed” people having a
discussion, and much more likely to remember than if they had just read the information.
would you not have students discuss:
(not just students we find this with scientists as well) who state their
opinions in a public space are less likely to change their opinions later. If
you want your students to come up with a particular idea, a particular opinion,
then you are better not to start with a discussion. After all, according to
constructivist learning theory, learning means changing. And, also according to
constructivist learning theory, changing is hard emotionally and psychologically.
How to teach using
Select a question which
is focused enough that students can make a start to answer it. The question
should be an upper level kind of question (Bloom’s taxonomy), and should be
divergent have more than one answer possible.
Create an atmosphere
(by modeling, by teaching, by enforcing) which is friendly, where different
opinions are expected, but respectfully presented. This takes time.
Students are more
likely to engage in discussion when they have some background in the topic.
Have regular
discussions so students learn how to get involved.
Be clear about the
rules for involvement. How does a new person get to speak? teacher may suggest
that a new speaker should start to interrupt, then back off; the person who is
speaking should then wind up what s/he is saying, so the interrupted can talk.
At faculty meetings, we raise our hands, and the chair of the meeting takes us
in turn. Some discussions involve passing the feather, and the person holding
the feather may talk. Some discussions involve the next speaker standing up,
and staying up until s/he has finished speaking.
Ensure that students
have sufficient background knowledge on the topic to get involved.
Be the moderator of the
first few discussions as students learn proper protocol. Then teach students
how to moderate a discussion, and have different students take turns being
Invite students to get
involved. Students who are invited to speak might not speak when they are first
invited, but they are much more likely to get involved later.
Developing and implementing
students presentation
students doing their group discussion, they have to present their result from
their discussion in front of the class. It is important for students to give
their responsibility for their work in group discussion. Students presentation
do by each one of the group or all of students in each group. If the teachers
choose the second one, so the students have to manage their group and divide
the problem matter with their group, so all of the students get their part.
Developing and
implementing the cognitif schemes
is an approach of learning, where the students interact with their environment
by exploring and manipulating objects, wrestling with a number of questions and
controversy, or conduct experiments. The basic idea of this theory is that
students will easily recall a concept if the concept they get by themselves
through a process of discovery learning
concept of cognitive development of children representing three forms of
representation: enactive, econic and symbolic.
Developing and
implementing students conclussion
approach allowed some creative thinking brainstorming for new ideas. Students
are encourage to take part in full because all ideas equally recorded. This
method describe th eknowledge an experience in group. Usually one idea proposed
by an individual could spark other ideas. The conclusion of most lessons should
accomplish three things: summarize, remotivate, and provide closure.
Developing and
implementing students assesments
students assesments is very important to do by students. After they get the
materials, and they do some discuss, so they have to make the assesments. So
they know about what they have learn in the class, and they know about the
concepts of some materials, and the important thing is they know what they
should do in the next meeting in teaching learning process.
Anonim. Developing the lesson plan.
John C. Reis. Experiments with Various
Teaching Methodologies. Aerospace Engineering Department Embry-Riddle
Aeronautical University Prescott, AZ 86301